Shrewsbury Girls Softball is gearing up for the Spring 2022 season. Over 200 girls have registered to play and rosters are being finalized. There are currently 5 teams in Rookie; 4 each in Tee, Minors and Majors; and 2 in Senior. Both the pitching and all-skills clinics are in full swing to get the players…

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After the fall season in 2021, the softball field at Lower Dean Park was refurbished thanks to the labor and materials donated by Ian Hillman and his team at Hillman Construction. The infield was leveled out and expanded beyond the bases to meet the regulation dimensions. A similar treatment was given to the area behind…

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Shrewsbury Girls Softball is looking forward to having an electronic scoreboard in right field at Upper Dean for the 2022 season! As shown in the photo below, taken on March 8th, all the prep work has been completed. The support beams have been fabricated and installed into their concrete bases, and electricity has been wired.…

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